Sunday, December 7, 2008

Back to the Cowhands

Back to the Future III is the ultimate example of the West romanticized. Gun draws in the streets, bandits, broads in distress, train hijackers, and Indians highlight the most romanticized infulences of the west. But such adventure was not available. Fights between Indians were not as heroic as depicted, as hundred of whites were massacred and scalped. Cowboys had a less adventurous tale, as herding cows did not have as many heroic tales in the job description, as depicted by the east coast..

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Education is Changing

Public schools became a growing fad as America had a want for better schools to educate their children with. They were truly created for middle class. Though women attended school, they were taught how to sow and be good mothers, rather than learn things such as arithmetic. Women were taught how to become proper wives, while men were taught tools of trade. Men of higher class were taught how to progress in careers such as doctors or lawyers, while the poor were taught things of industrial manner. African Americans education was not furthered as it was illegal to do so in the south, and they were not allowed into the schools in the north. This progress helped select people, mostly the middle class and up. Poorer people rarely attended school, as it was not required and their help was needed on the family farm. Because not all children were educated, and they were not generally educated the same, but for specific areas, this reform was somewhat lacking. It was not a fair system, but at least education was expanding.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Slavery was truly only essential for the few large plantations. And even then they could substitute slaves with the poor "clay eaters" who could defiantly use the work. Slavery was a false dependent in the economy, despite the southerner's mind set. Truly the keeping of slaves was not based off of economic needs, but social insecurities of the whites. They needed to have inferiors, and a cheap source of labor was an additional plus. Some of the southerner's reasons for why they were superior were rather ridiculous. One of the most ridiculous reasons being that since whites have larger skulls than African Americans, they must be smarter. Not that the size of one's skull, or brain, rather, determines how smart someone is. The whites believed Africans to be animal like in nature, observing how they lived in their home country. Some even did the unthinkable of trying to justify slavery with religion; they translated "the curse of Ham" to mean that slavery was a decent liberty that they were granted by God.

Whites used faulty reasons to defend their use of slavery, which was not really necessary due to the condition of some of their fellow whites whom could have used the jobs themselves.
Truly, the South were cheap, morally deprived people. The abrupt ending of slavery after the civil war proves that slavery was not necessarily needed.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Jackson Conspiracy

King Andrew was called so due to his abuse of power. Above abusing power, he also wanted to extend the powers of a President. The Whig party feared that his increased power would lead to a king-like rule, thwarting all they had done to win independence. Andrew Jackson continued his plans with the expulsion of the Indians, despite Congress' intrusion on the plans, declaring it "unconstiontitutonal". This defiance of Congress built on his "king" title. His prejudice against banks was a fault, as well. The absorption of power from the National Bank made Jackson appear as if he was taking the power in exchange. More power, means more king like.
The nullification crisis also created a King like essence to Jackson. The dislike for tariffs or imported goods was enough for the South to even try to make themselves separate from the United States as a whole. Taxes always related back to a "king", such as during the American Revolution. Considering, the King's taxes are what brought Americans overboard at that time, it was a great blow to what the South demanded. Though there was taxation with representation, the South would not settle for such terms, and deemed Andrew Jackson as King Andrew.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


"How could both Sectionalism and Nationalism exist at the same time and at the same place?"

Sectionalism and Nationalism can coexsist in the same place just like how an Arabic person can reside in the States.
Everyone is "yaay for equal rights!", yet people demand that someone wearing a turban in the airport should be throughly checked for explosives.

They are contradicting terms, yet they were team players during The Era of Good Times.
While the south encouraged the use of slavery so that its economy could still thrive, other states began to become "free states". which spurred the south's need to become sectionalist. If they could diverse themselves from the rest of the country, they could continue to have slave labor.

Despite wanting to have slaves, the south also wanted to be involved in nationalism. The wanted the benefits of having a government not impaired by other world powers.
This sense of nationalism increased after the War of 1812. The sense of being an American enforced the want of nationalism.